In my last post, “WHOse Life is it Anyway?”, we looked at evidence that showed that powerful globalists groups met in New York in October 2019. The gathering was called Event 201. The event included the John Hopkins Center of Health Security, the World Economic Forum, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
The entire world knows what happened as we rolled into 2020. It is part of our collective history.
But how many individuals in 2024 know about Event 201? Why was this event not a major news story at the time? How many have had a chance to consider WHY these globalists groups ran through a “high-level pandemic exercise” shortly before we began to hear that a virus had leaked from a lab in China? How many today remember that SARS-CoV-1 came out of China in the spring of 2003, giving the world’s health “experts” many papers published in major medical journals for almost 2 decades before SARS-CoV-2 hit the world?
What happened to drive the world into its first ever lockdown, yet without world health authorities discussing treatments that proved successful in treating SARS-CoV-1 years before?
One thing that has become clear since my first public article in 2005, is that we are living our lives like a game. Take any subject and create conflict between the two groups. These could be labeled group A and B. Group C would be in the planning position to influence the narrative in a direction, thus keeping Group A and B moving in a direction always labeling comments that bring negative attention to their plans as a “conspiracy theory” or “disinformation”.
The Players in The Game
Neither A nor B would want to fully follow Group C, so misdirection had to be a common theme of the actions of Group C. This is not to say that there have not been conspiracy theories that proved to be false, but that this tool has been used for generations by Group C. An understanding of Hegel’s Dialectic is a major tactic that has impacted the world to bring us to where we are at this point in history, a tool widely used by Group C.
The great tragedy of Communism, however, is the fact that its founders did not stop at the so-called “harmless speculation” of Dialectical Materialism. They determined to permeate every aspect of human existence with the principles which they felt they had discovered. Therefore, they promoted a new approach to history, economics, politics, ethics, social planning and even science. In the Communist Manifesto (first publ. in 1848), Marx and Engels admitted that critics of Communism could say that it “abolishes eternal truths, it abolishes all religion, and all morality, instead of constituting them on a new basis; it therefore acts in contradiction to all past historical experience.” [The Naked Communist, first published in 1958, 2014 edition, W. Cleon Skousen, pg 40]
Group D is a group that tries to stand outside the game, considering the actions of Group C (continuing to misdirect, YET, with a purpose), however finding it difficult to discuss with a larger group because of an understanding that the entire crowd is being lead in a negative direction.
Since COVID in 2020, I believe the size of individuals in Group D has exploded worldwide and continues to grow because of the actions of those in Group C.
Planned Fear, Planned Pandemic
We know that Event 201 took place with various globalist actors conducting a simulated pandemic before the world went into lockdown from COVID – 19.
If some of the same globalists’ actors conducted another simulated pandemic, see also Catastrophic Contagion, in October 2022, would we really be surprised to see another planned pandemic?
What about the current headlines on monkeypox and the avian bird flu?
Headlines: Narrative Media Promotes Fear / problem / Group C
- WHO declares mpox outbreak a global health emergency, CNN, Aug 14 ‘24
- Will bird flu be the next pandemic? Vaccines are prepped, just in case, USA Today, Aug 12 ‘24
Taking the same two articles, and like COVID 19, we find the media, globalist solution continues to be.…. vaccines are ready.
The CDC recommended last week that people in the US who are exposed to or at high risk of catching mpox should get vaccinated….
Half a million doses of the vaccine are in stock, and another 2.4 million could possibly be produced by the end of the year, according to Tim Nguyen of the WHO Health Emergencies Program. The DRC and Nigeria will be the first to receive these vaccines, African Regional Emergency Director Dr. Abdou Salam Gueye added. (CNN/1)
A quiet effort to prevent the next global pandemic began rolling off an assembly line this summer behind the gates of an office complex in suburban Raleigh.
In this sprawling factory, sheltered by thick pine groves, workers at CSL Seqirus are bottling millions of doses of a new vaccine targeting the H5N1 bird flu virus. (USA Today/ 2)
Independent Medical Commentary/ Group D
If there ever was a time to learn to think for yourself and NOT follow the mainstream media narrative, it is now. The following are comments about these two viruses, and vaccines already being produced as the solution to the viruses. Like 2020, the narrative is not discussing safer drugs that were used worldwide successfully for decades before…and since 2020.
Dr. Peter McCullough, Cougareous Discourse
I would strongly encourage you to subscribe to Dr. McCullough’s substack. Since COVID 19 came on the world scene, he has been one of the top authorities in the world fighting relentlessly to bring truth to the constant stream of disinformation presented by globalists organizations.
The following are just a few points I learned from an interview by John Leake in a post called, How to Avoid Another Campaign of Fear – Disease X Bird Flu, July 19, 2024
- Bird flu has been around for over 100 years. Throughout history, about 800-900 cases have brought about death. The main spot in the world where these deaths have occurred has been in Southeast Asia, where people sleep with chickens.
- Current cases have proven very mild showing up as pink eye.
- “We know that it (the current virus) is a product of Gain of Function because of the research we have done (at his foundation).”
- “Research has been done at the USAA Poultry Research Lab at Athens, Georgia and Erasmus University in the Netherlands. The H5N1 virus was found in cattle and sea mammals without a couple hundred miles of Athens, Georgia.”
- “Ducks in the world are spreading this, so killing millions of chickens is not going to change this from spreading.”
- “There is no government oversight on giving Moderna $176 million to develop a vaccine.”
He also made it clear that we learned from COVID-19 and the Wuhan Lab, that the problem came from scientists using gain of function research, this creating a path for the virus to jump from animals to humans. Let that sink in. In a lab in the US and in the Netherlands, we are seeing gain of function research now on bird flu, a virus that has had little impact on the human population for over 100 years.
Dr. Meryl Nass, Meryl’s CHAOS Newsletter
“Beginning June 27, 2020, Dr. Nass began a list of deceptive strategies that the Fauci/Pharma/Gates cartel used to control the narrative on hydroxychloroquine and deny Americans access to this effective remedy.” [The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, 2021, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., pg 34]
The following is from her Substack.
Meryl Nass is a physician researcher who was the 1st person to prove an epidemic was due to biological warfare. She revealed the dangers of the anthrax and covid vaccines. Her license was suspended for treating COVID and spreading ‘misinformation.’ [Current numbers of subscribers top 42,000]

The following are just a few points I learned from a post called, The drum beat for bird flu vaccines has begun: nonsensical, couches in a pseudo-scientific jumble of thoughts, July 15, 2024
- While there are many “available vaccines”, none of the stockpiled vaccines are matches for the current H5N1.
- There is no bird flu virus that transmits from human to human. So how can you tell if a vaccine would work against a future virus.
- [Like McCullough] – For this virus to become a problem, it has to gain the ability to transmit from human to human. It also has to become more pathogenic. Outside a lab, the chances of this happening are miniscule.
- She then makes this incredible comment, when considering that Finland is already giving farm workers (HUMANS) vaccines for a bird flu virus. “No rapidly produced vaccine has ever been safe and effective. Never. Do you want to be first up to try out the next one?”
I could through “the narrative globalists” versus “the independent medical thinkers” regarding monkeypox, but I want to close this post. I would strongly encourage you to become a subscriber of the excellent substacks of Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Meryl Nass. These are doctors at the top of independent thinking who understand there is far more with the vaccine narrative than medical information. They understand because of being censored by the narrative makers for providing “misinformation”, which history is revealing is a Marxist strategy of accusing your opponent of what you are doing. They also look for treatments that have been around a very long time, rather than ones that are “experimental” and have already produced extremely negative side effects in many lives.
In closing, consider the power of one man at the global level of medicine who has no background at all in medicine. How could this much power over any part of global life be good?
“The four organizations had worked together in the past, and three of them shared a common history. The largest and most powerful was the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, one of the largest philanthropies in the world. Then there was Gavi, the global vaccine organization that Gates helped to found to inoculate people in low-income nations, and the Wellcome Trust, a British research foundation with a multibillion-dollar endowment that had worked with the Gates Foundation in previous years. Finally, there was the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, or CEPI, the international vaccine research and development group that Gates and Wellcome both helped to create in 2017.”
“So the four organizations that seized control of the global response to COVID had one thing in common, and that was Bill Gates.” [Gates of Hell: Why Bill Gates is the Most Dangerous Man in the World, 2023, Daniel Jupp, pg 296]
After reading the comments of Dr. McCullough and Dr. Nass, we must ask the question, “why the mad dash for a vaccine”?
Bird flu concern prompts US to award Moderna $176 million for vaccine development, Reuters, July 2, 2024
The U.S. government has awarded $176 million to Moderna to advance development of its bird flu vaccine, the company said on Tuesday, as concerns rise over a multi-state outbreak of H5N1 virus in dairy cows and infections of three dairy workers since March….
U.S. officials previously announced they were moving bulk vaccine from CSL Seqirus that closely matches the current virus into finished shots that could provide 4.8 million doses if needed….
Some of those doses could be available as early as this month, O’Connell said. Those shots could potentially be used to inoculate farm workers and others at risk of exposure to the virus.”
If there ever was a time to seek independent thinkers than global bureaucrats and their partners, it is now.
[If you have not read, WHOse Life is it Anyway?, I encourage you to read it and look at the sources at the end of the post.]
Disclaimer: This information is free. I am merely an American citizen concerned about the continued move away from freedom and toward more controls being pushed at the global level. Like financial information, this information is solely for your own investigation and should not be considered medical advice. Seek independent thinkers. Read. Look for medical emergency solutions established by medical professionals that can help you prepare other than an experimental vaccine praised by globalists as the “only” solution.
As always, comments are always welcomed. If you find this information of value, please share it with others.
Fantastic article, Doug.